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Euro-Asian Jewish (EAJ) Policy Papers, No 14 (February 24, 2019)
Antisemitism in Russia and Ukraine: Reports and Debates

A new antisemitism monitoring reports in 2018, prepared by Israeli, Russian, and Ukrainian organizations, were published at the end of last and the beginning of this year. As in the past, the conclusions of these reports stimulated a vibrant debate in political and media circles, as well as between the leadership of competing FSU Jewish organizations. The major disagreements were about the question of which of the events of physical and verbal violence meet acceptable definitions of antisemitism. The meeting point of partisans of all the versions was that antisemitism in the FSU is not limited to vandalism and physical violence and should also be seen as Israeli and FSU observers argue together with other forms of hate crimes against Jews, including antisemitic incitement, xenophobic provocation, defamation, Holocaust denial, and antisemitism that emerges from anti-Zionism. This consensus opens a way for productive dialog between Israeli, international, and FSU Jewish organizations, enabling them to leave specific interests and political disagreements beyond the professional discussion.

Please follow the link for the full version of this article in Russian.


Academic Chairman of the IEAJS, lecturer in political science and sociology of modern Jewish communities, Ariel and Bar-Ilan Universities