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Euro-Asian Jewish (EAJ) Policy Papers, No 48 (2 January 2023)
Yiddish Literature as a Mirror and Tool of Russian-Jewish Identity
Photo Sources: Газета ЕАО, Газета Обзор, Виртуальные выставки


Summary. Despite a completed language shift of the East-European Jewry from Yiddish to Russian and consolidation of the Russian-speaking Jews (RSJ) in a new subethnic group of the Jewish people, Yiddish literature remains a substantial factor of their identity. In addition, RSJs now play a leading creative and organizational role in Yiddish literature in general. At the same time, the Yiddish language and culture in Israel and the Diaspora symbolize the Jewish element of the contemporary multi-dimensional identity of the Russian-speaking Jewry rather than the Russian or Israeli one.

Please follow the link for the full version of the article in Russian.